kasman: it is hard to talk about the skip. the fed has six meets -- weeks after -- they will take stock on how -- at the same time, i think they have to tell us that they have not declared victory on getting inflation down, that there is pressure for them to move more and that they will -- the likely scenario, it will be in the statement where people see an extra rate hike push in and it will be in more detail in the correct -- press conference that they will more likely than not continual -- continue to raise rates. i don't think the fed is sensitive to equities rally but the broader picture here is that financial markets are showing very little stress. they have improved risk appetite, has in increased -- has increased and it is a significant offset to the tightening going on in bank credit and i think that does matter to the fed. they are trying to manage that in a way where they don't police unwanted is the brits that they will have to deal on -- with -- that they don't unleash unweighted exuberance that they will have to