our trustees and in particular mister nick grenell who has not only just generously supported this project but has been an incredible supporter of my work and the work of the institute for years now and i want you all to know how deeply appreciative i am for that support. i couldn't have done it without you. so now, if i am being honest my sense of accomplishment makes me a bit uneasy and the reason for that is it is in tension with the reality, the issues that i'm here to discuss, that reality is this isn't about me. tonight, this book, the debate that it contributes to our first and foremost about the victims of the sort of injustices that inspired my book's title. injustices like a 2019 murder detailed in the book's introduction of a young, unarmed chicago mother allegedly shot by a parolee with nine prior felony convictions including one for second-degree murder. injustices like the little boy who was forced to run for his life in that same city earlier this summer backpack info as he dodged a bullet cement for the group of young men he made the mistake of walking past at the time. inj