on wednesday, majer witnessed a coup d'état .the presidential guard of this country arrested the president. as the new leader of niger, the head of the country's transitional council has been appointed, a move that was strongly opposed by european countries, especially france, one of france's allies in the region known as the african coast. according to the report of this organization, the number of people who emigrated from turkey in 2022 has increased by more than 62% to 466 thousand people . turkey is a country of 85 million people, which, in the face of the threat of aging , has prioritized the policies of increasing the young population, and even for the reason why i say that every family has more than three children is that the strong government and nation want strong families in the future. now turkey's demographic policies are facing another surprising challenge, immigration, according to the results announced by the statistics organization. government immigration statistics from turkey only in 2022, more than 62% increas