paradise daniel de moral. and yarosh is a beast, however, it will be chaotic and inconsistent.y difficult to understand exactly what the kobrin fortification was like, to rest in peace in the fortress, if only because the attempts of a sudden storm were never made by the architect of the city anatoly danilyuk and at the heart of the monument, the second and third historical gerberas symbolize. these boulders will turn into a pedestal for a new commemorative sign under the monument laid a letter to descendants, future generations , the careful preservation of the history of the city and the care in multiplying its word are changing. it is difficult to pass by this white-and-yellow luxury, built in 1905. more than a century ago , the judicial noble bank was located here in the kobrin district , there were eight landlord estates that were constantly in need of loans. today , the heartfelt oaths of the newlyweds sound here; they succeed in certificates of marriage. have you heard anything about the errors of perception inherent in the human eye, so here it is a particular building