but wagovy won't be up for negotiation unless they figure out a way to do it.xpect you could see a bifurcation between diabetes and weight loss drugs. lily has a drug that can get around negotiations. >> what happened under the "inflation reduction act" for insulin? >> insulin is capped at $35 per patient per month, which is great. i'm really talking about non-insulin products or the small molecules like jardian. those will be negotiated, but insulin is super important and that's a great part of it. >> what happens to the pipeline for innovation as a result of this, types of companies as dr. gottlieb was saying, that might not be getting funded, and maybe even types of companies that might have less competition now that are already in the pipeline? >> well, companies that are in the space are going to be a very interesting investment, because they're not subject to negotiation at all. they're not really in the medicare segment. along those lines, if you are looking at a medicare population of 65 plus, a large molecule biologic drugs are going to be far more int