miles: yasutoshi nishimura is the minister of economy, trade, and industry.: the experts concluded after six years of research that the most appropriate way is to purify and dilute the water, then discharge it to the ocean, in line with the international standard, or even lower. miles: in july, the u.n.'s international atomic energy agency released its assessment of the fukushima daiichi water discharge plan, calling it "consistent with relevant international safety standards." and concluding "it would have a negligible radiological impact on people and the environment." the agency vows to "continue its review during the discharge phase," "having a continuous on-site presence." ken buesseler: the health consequences are low for tritium, but there is debate to be certainly a factor of 10 what the level should be in drinking water. miles: marine radio chemist ken buesseler is a senior scientist at the woods hole oceanographic institution. he says every nuclear power plant in the world releases tritium-tainted water. ken buesseler: with 400 or so nuclear power p