foreign trade of novorussia with our regular expert, political scientist and historian rostislav ishchenko. rostislav afternoon. good afternoon, rostislav, in the 19th century , novorossiya became the breadbasket of europe in the 20th century , and in 21 they were already taking away, uh, cheap metal. but now, uh, and in the future, what can he become the main content of uh, in personal trade in novorussia with the understanding that in the industry, in general, the restoration of this region will have to invest a lot of money and time. well , firstly, the war must end in order for at least some trade to begin. secondly, this is metal from novorossiya. for a long time they will be exported in the form of burnt tanks in the form of mines, which will be cleared there, there, and so on. and this is also a very big problem of bringing the landscape to a state in which it can, uh, in principle, uh, be the basis for some kind of economy or only then for trade. this means that further foreign trade always precedes me. that is, at the beginning , in any state at any time and historically, internal trade rela