and sarah eljizi is a basketball player who leads a series of sports programmes for right to play, an ngo promoting skills development and social cohesion among children living in refugee camps. welcome to you both. thank you. ray, why don't you start us off by explaining what tra pshooting is? trapshooting actually, it's an olympic sport, and it's defined by shooting clay targets. it's basically it's an outdoor shooting range where we have 15 machines. every machine sends a target, which is a random target with different angles, different degrees, whereby we have to call the target and we have to shoot it. so it's a very common sport, and especially in lebanon, because we know in lebanon most of the people are hunters. so this sport, actually, i took it from my dad, my dad, he was also a lebanese champion in trapshooting, and he was the one who discovered the talent in me. so tell me about that introduction. do you remember the very first time your father showed you how to hold a gun? yeah, because it left very special moments, because, first of all, i used to go with him hunting whe