boggs academy is the high school that i attended in keysville, georgia, it's the first black boardingl. the school since closed in the early '80s so this quilt is going to be a raffle to raise money for scholarships. [lively music] when people look at my work i want them to learn something. quilting is a way to sneak in the teaching. if we don't know our history, no one will tell our story. i accepted that responsibility for my children, for the ones i gave birth to, and the ones who just became my children by nature of me just loving them. - [kayla] for years you said you weren't creative. you constantly stopped yourself from saying you were creative. i wanna tell you that you, mommy, you are creative. - [laughing] thank you. - [kayla] and that's cut. [birds chirping] [gate dragging shut] [jared humming] [scooter engine purring] [jared humming] [scooter engine purring] ♪ bum-bum-ba-da-do ♪ ♪ bum-bum-da-da-do ♪ ♪ do-do-do, woo ♪ ♪ da-do-do-do-do ♪ ♪ da-do-do-do-do ♪ ♪ da-do-do-do-do ♪ [scooter motor humming] [birds chirping] [birds chirping continues] - on my personal altar i have fou