w-h-i-r-l-e-d, i would remind you i do not make this stuff up. - he was a wonderful man and i think it was his hope that everybody would enjoy this mountain, that'smountaintop removal." - he knew everybody, everybody knew him. - he was interested in everybody and sometimes not only the straight and narrow people. - his love for the culture, and the people, and these mountains, was just stronger, stronger than- [accordion music] any appalachian i that i can think of in history. i mean there are a lot of great writers that have come out here, a lot of great musicians, and there are a lot of people who've been put on higher pedestals than jim webb, but i don't think anybody, when it comes to appalachian culture, and being the cheerleader, and the proponent of what it means to be appalachian, i don't think anybody needs to be put on a higher pedestal than jim webb, i think he needs to be at the top of the top of the top. [light upbeat music] [light upbeat music continues] [vehicle engine humming] [vehicle door squeaking open] - all right, hello dogs. this is my toolbox. that rock looks like kentucky. [footsteps thumping on ground] [dog panting] i kee