workers of the village, in the architectural monuments of the beginning of the 20th century, the odintsovmill, built in the sixth year, is protected by the state. the last line, based on the reasoning that the state is you and me, therefore it is protected by the state, and not by some kind of suppression, no, it is buried by us and you. this is how the windmill was before the restoration. he is simply a magician to fall, but the community undertook to save him. every last name of entrepreneurs, peasants, pensioners and even children who helped restore the windmill is written on the stand. the old, small, crooked, on sticks came together, the children came, they all came, and here it was restored for a day, two, three, and then tables were set up, and porridge was cooked here, well, how, as it should be on the tolosa, and then it was restored to her wing mechanism and internal. the mechanisms restored everything and made it fully operational. regarding the internal structure, we see this pillar, which is buried in the ground, for two aunts it stands in the ground and is sprinkled with sal