we spoke with tom kowalski, the aunt of a 19 year old soldier who was taken hosted by him. i submitted things as a shed. her story identified a has occurred in israel, and thousands of families are heard now here in israel. but i want to tell by my own family, my niece swanny. she's a sweet girl, 19 years old. and she's been missing since saturday. the last time we heard from her is on 927 a and when she checked as texted her mom, sean, i'm ok mom. don't worry about me with 3 hearts. we haven't heard from her since. we don't know if she's live or dead. if she's in kept tv, she's probably in cook cvt. i absolutely hope with all my heart that she's okay and she's been treated fine at least and not being tormented as we saw other pictures. one e one a sheet. she likes taylor swift and she likes very style. she likes pop music and she is a sweet girl baby sick everyone in her hometown. and she is the 1st baby i ever held in my arms 19 years ago. all the parents of the, uh, um, of, of the people whose being kept to, has joined together yesterday in central instead of fees. and w