tsyagu yes nauki i atrymala ў spadchynu hell prodka, vugorskaya punisher matsvei korvin.ics, music and poetry, hell of dzeda pa matsi, astronomer of schubert, hell of the gypsy great-grandmother of lyubov. yes, it is necessary to use the common expression, with the help of sofia kavalevskaya. father was worried, the bastards of mathematics did not go away from sofia. after eight years of education , a gymnasium course for men was completed. the ladies laid out what they asked for. what next? the universities of the russian empire would be strictly barred. adukatsyya off. for the boys. it was possible to end vnu only for meat, but going there is not so easy. kab atrymats permission 18tsagadovaya sofia is getting married. i am already familiar with geologist and geologist uladzimir kavalevski. for a packet of this, i would love for a difference. who could know that he is a perarasce and a sapravdnae kahanne? tretsyaga beautiful 1868, sofya kavalevskaya with new saddle. decided to scare europe. germany. firstly , the university in the city of heidelg, then berlin, and also i