that is being discussed in foreign affairs, and whose authors are also well-known people, this is richard gasso be one of those who are in the informal group of contacts with moscow, you know, this group that is often written about, that they are looking for, feeling the mood in the kremlin, and also a person quite it is known, he was in various... administrations of various presidents and now he also heads powerfully public such an analytical center of the council of international relations, it seems to be the name of it, another author is also known , charles kupchen, who worked in the administration of barack obama, in the former director of the national security council, by the way, seriously people wrote, and i don’t know if you saw this post. yes, yes, i saw it, i am familiar with the main theses, the main theses are yes, for our viewers, to say the least, there are several of them, the first is that the expected ukrainian offensive did not bring the expected results, and now, if ukraine further will continue to insist on its version of victory, on the fact that it will try at any cost t