answer, i hope your companion is also not a stranger to poetry, well, since we’re talking about shpalik’s please , it looks like we’ve given up, and that’s also why dogs are difficult for you, you’re still a mumu, it’s easier for the rednecks in the world, dog, you are not a redneck, and the rain is rinsing you and... it will be through your stomach, the investigator got you, and leave edik alone, michelangelo and leonardo also looked for inspiration in the faces of ordinary people, but they painted saints, not winners of socialist competitions, to order pope of rome, you should take something, take me an orange, please, and this is the same as the general secretary of the cpsu now, no, it’s not in the service, i’m driving, and you’re a major, don’t pay attention to them, he not a bad guy, and you are at home with everyone here, only with friends, visiting edik, like kipling, a merman truce, everyone is equal, politics, other nonsense is forbidden, here at the same table sits a district committee instructor, a poet, an investigator, a disgraced writer, that christina has such interesting