win, enso, or you'll be out of business. thousands of miles of terrible roads with sheep and dogs, anythingu need to win miles milia, sports cars will be ordered, everyone will follow this race, only one team will win, it would be better if you, director michael man, known for the films heat, ali and johnny dae, are returning to the big cinema after an eight-year break. in 2019, he produced the sports drama ford v ferrari, which turned out to be a financial success. at $100 million, the project grossed more than $225 worldwide. according to man, his interest in racing stems from the fact that in the middle of the last century this sport was deadly dangerous. in case of an accident, everyone. the co-pilot was dying, so the director shot a non-standard action film, and tried to reconstruct 3 months in the life of an extraordinary person, whose friends are constantly one step away from death. two objects cannot occupy the same point at the same time, the closer the turn, the more doubts you have. the ferrari film is not only about cars rushing at breakneck speeds, but also about a constant sen