ahid timimi, both locals to the village of nabi saleh, so since the announcement of the first asking jannaple are getting arrested, um, i'm facing checkpoints on my way to school every day. say um like for example yesterday i was just going to my school and then there was this checkpoint you know the checkpoints here in the west banks in the west bank or not checkpoints they're just gate on the street they usually close it block the street and then they go they don't check the car they just block it so like had to take another way that takes me about triple of the time to get to my school i was late to my school even today we were stuck for 2 hours on the checkpoint um every day since the deal of the century had been declared, um, you know, people, there are a lot of clashes, people are getting killed, people are getting injured, and it's very sad that we um, are paying the price of something that we didn't cause. what we heard from donald trump was that when this deal was initially announced that there would be some sort of peace that would come out of this, and that uh... the palestinian