also joint. us is uh julia cassem, journalist and political analyst from bayroits. welcome to you both. i'll start with you, brett nockers, we're taking a look at the anti-israely block in west asia, i mean it was kind of there obviously uh, but ever since this uh genocidal war has broken out and has continued is grown stronger. we can mention hisbolla and lebanon or you can mention them for us, i'm just naming few here ordiall movements in yemen, how important do you think their role is at this? point uh when it comes to having an impact on not only this uh genocidal war, but also maybe making a difference in israel's calculations when it comes to the their future moves uh in this uh war, genocidal war. i think the importance of these organizations cannot possibly be overstated, that is how how influential and how how capital they are to the... situation in the area right now and the position that the zionist entity finds itself in in general, we have to always bear in mind that israel is always calculating on the idea that palestine stands alone, because for so lo