ksenia nikolaevna. hello! hello, ekaterina.o, let 's start right with the recipes, how they appear, how who creates them, although, it would seem, everything has already been created. actually in fact, from the idea itself to its implementation, quite a lot of time passes. the idea appears as a result of research into new types of raw materials, analysis of the confectionery market, as well as research into consumer preferences, for example, through questionnaires. after which we proceed directly to laboratory research in our testing laboratory. if we use a new type of series, then we study the effect of its different dosages on the quality indicators of finished confectionery products. creation of new production technologies is this is a more complex task; it takes into account the influence of different ratios of recipe ingredients, as well as the influence of technological parameters, for example, the duration of kneading the dough or the duration of beating the mass, the duration of baking finished drying products. the fina