. >> >> >> >> from nick gregoratos, director of prisoner legal services (pls), on what his department does for incarcerated individuals. >> good afternoon. i'm nick gregoratos, director of prisoner legal services (pls). >> here is melinda another attorney in our offers and this is asia who is our paralegal we put together a power point over there i can't see my phone and a quick presentation on what we do that will cover- a brief introduction a short history and with with where we are to have the contraction a few challenges and open up for questions. >> thank you. >> so here we go we have put together this is in front of you; correct? i don't know we has and history i don't know know if you have the history not testing you but put together about 10 or 12 years ago and covers back we think that is good reading so we thought you might like that the legal services was started by the sheriff prior to becoming sheriff and became sheriff in 77 and got funding and when we always had to report since we had three sheriff's and they supported us in 2019 and viki adopted a policy and codified y