in fact, it is the same demand that was raised by akrani in the lawsuit of ukraine against the russian government based on the same kanvan neskashi, which was previously raised in the international court of justice. the demand has been demanded and based on that, the court required the russian government to suspend and stop all its military operations so that the court can actually investigate, but we should not consider this unsaid as a failure of south african legal activism. why, because first, if compared to yourself the story of ukraine and russia is completely in two different fields. you know that in the case of ukraine against russia, the case of ukraine and the claim of ukraine. the russian government has claimed that ukraine is committing genocide against the rostovs in eastern ukraine, and based on the same genocide convention, which unites member states, including russia, to prevent genocide, the russian government has stated that in order to prevent genocide i will use all available measures, including military action, and attack to stop this destruction, but the matter is