dysport is written now in the mainstream, if the article does not contain the words existential, axumaron done, i say, on a computer, he says, no, on a bulldozer , before he was just a director, now he’s a creative director, before he was a foreman, now he’s a supervisee, i used to be a cleaning lady, now i’m a cleaning manager, there was no cleaning, just pure garbage, i drink tea, yes, it’s on the pack written, made... according to the recipes of the royal court, the manufacturing city of fryazin. none of you know who is the king of fryazina now, but from the city of relsk they sent me monastery tea, it says: god bless you, and then a brilliant phrase: the shelf life is 2 years, you know, everything has become complicated, i ordered soap on the internet, now everyone day comes an advertisement for stools and ropes. things have gotten ridiculous, ridiculous, even in family life everything has now become so complicated, so important, the husband suddenly lived, lived with his wife, suddenly tells her that in bed you have to be unpredictable, so what, during sex, she suddenly took out a ta