now, it's shorthanded by saying white house history with frank sesno, who's our moderator. and. and, frank, you have big shoes to fill, at least high shoes to fill, because we have ann compton here and we had four episodes of white house history with ann compton. and that was great fun as well. this program is put together by the david rubenstein national center for white house history here at the association, led by dr. colleen shogun, dr. matthew costello, and all of their colleagues who are here today. put in a tremendous amount of work to put on this series, as well as our other substantive programs that we have as part of our education mission here at the association. i'd like to acknowledge a member of our board of directors, anita mcbride, who is here, and three distinguished former members of our board, bob mcgee, martha kumar and mike mccurry, who are also on the panel. we have several members of our national council on white house history who are the real wind in a in the sails of our work. and we're very, very grateful for their support to helps make our nonprofit and