feeling that this cannot go on in the manner that..." it is and again the whole sort of historical hisborrah which is now being proven to be completely false and lies upon lies that again that veil which has been sort of given to the world for the last 75 years has come off in the last you know less than 75 days so people are realizing that it is just that you know zionism is equal racism z. ism is equal colonialism, zionism is equal to imperialism, zionism is really the uh, you say the problem in west asia, it's not the palestinian, palestinians are the indigenous people of that land, and again it's not a jewish or muslim sort of war, it really is a war against an occupier and serper and nation which is built on people who are not part of that land okay stay with me shabier let me get richard back in on this richard how do we get here or were we always here um just that we can see clear the reality because if we look at the rules based system that was set up after world world war ii and we see the vedo power that the un security council members have always had, were we always here, um, but