hisham sharaf. welcome mr. hisham and thank you so much for your time. thank you. "the events of the october 7th which took the israeli regime and its western sponsors by complete surprise marked the watershed moment in the palestinian struggle for the liberation of occupied territories, how did martter qasim sulaymani contribute to it? if everyone uh follows up on the sequence of events in the occupied territories, you will find that martial sulaimani was the one 'who used to go around to different places supporting all those forces in the access of resistance, so when it comes to the occupied territories, martial sulaymani, i think was the main supporter of these forces in palestine, either by training or by supplying with weapons and all kind of supports, you can say that after'. so many years of support, the palestinians were ready to take such kind of event which marked the peak of their achievements in palestine. palestinian resistance leaders, including hamas chief ismail han have described marty sulaimani as the martter of quds. are we close to the moment w