qani shu yerda yaxshilab ana shu toshni orqasini yaxshilab qarar yo'q birinchisini birinchisini orqangga 716 716 249 249 346 346 bo'ldi endi bolalar vaqt qancha vaqt qancha bir 16 bo'l bo'l bo'l bo'l ulgiraman 13 54 erchi 13 54 yo'q 716 71 bir ochilmadi, ochilmadi, 12, 20 secund qoldi, qaytarib ketdim, tepasini ihsonni ham olganimda ham bir-ikki marta qaytardim, shu ash kristalni olmaganimga juda ham xafaman, chunki jamoayni o'zbekiston shani meni bo'ynimda edi. the meetings are so positive, sometimes on our filming everything goes smoothly or smoothly, i sing not only on stage, i sing in the soul, i sing at the bus stop, i sing in the streets, i sing everywhere, because i love to sing , this is my life. there are still a lot of universities that you can graduate from, well, i agree, yes, but somehow i don’t really want to, i came out in america katyusha on high. thank you for hosting us, so early in the morning, it’s a weekday, we’re filming, the kids are off to school, what to do, and a lot of useful and interesting information, but i see that they’re there in some amazing forest... .