joining us now is emilio cortez. nice to have you on the program. the first question i guess is the big question here. are you get to go to the super bowl in las vegas? >> you know, i'm not too sure. waiting to see about that one. hopefully. >> we're crossing our fingers for you. tell us about the footballs now. when did you start creating them pour the team, and why? >> yeah, this this is something that came about as being a part of the latinx with the 49ers which is the first ever latinx crg group we've ever had. this is something we worked on together to create as a special award for some latino youth award recipients that we've been doing for the past couple of seasons now, giving them out during a pregame ceremony to latino youth that are doing good in their community and on and off the field. >> what a cool item here. really unique. did they just go around the office and say hey, who can do this? or what's your artistic background? >> people kind of started figuring out that i do have this other talent outside of my day to day work. so i've al