they see it vital to and to to take the mask off. and show they are actually mean genocide in doing nengal and that's why the whole countries in the region if in even west asia all of it they have to line up behind. designus entity sorry behind the palestina resistant and if the palestina resistant lose this battle which they are not on the ground they are winning but the the heavy price they are making them pay the zinus entity and the west is with the to do with the civilians because the the the the resistance is job to to implicate casualty and make the incubation be heavy prices it cannot protect the civilian. and the population which is the duty of the arabic countries, okay, stay with me on that, because we're going to get back to, we're going to get back to that point, um, but peter, your take on what s has said, i mean, is this basically this this war of ideologies that is taking place, i mean, you are a former um, british official, political official, your assessment of really what is going on and what is that stake for these western countries to be... so um uh basically black and