the problem with shtutsernikov was that it was necessary to reload it from the barrel.ehind, the loaded one was passed from there, and that means they are here for now. this was transmitted, the russian sailors managed to run with stones, with with cobblestones to the fittings, they killed them with these stones, i read this in the memoirs of a veteran, so he took it into the mythological and plane, saying that the weapon does not clean with a brick, but in fact the problem was technical, engineering, we did not have rifled weapons, and after the defeat in the sevastopol company , reform in the army really began and quite quickly we had modern rifles, but liskov turns out to be strong in legends from ... well, yes, you can call it that way, he at least always strives for a myth, for some kind of parable, he of course, he always enters the parable space, here and there he is the king, absolute, that is, if among our viewers there are people who like unrealistic space, symbolic, full of parable punishments, then liskov, of course, is their writer, especially if they like