fedya, today we have shtyno in command of the kitchen, give out instructions, and i’ll take care of theou, please, cut the green onions, yes. what do i need to do next? and please beat the eggs. yes. fine. where did you start learning fitness, fedya? i generally started my journey by studying at a higher educational institution. it was povat state university , specializing in physical education. let's just say, i began to learn the basics of all the sciences that we study to this day, but precisely in i began to specialize in fitness in the city of minsk. and there are schools here that provide training in the field of fitness, and i started out by training to become an instructor of group programs and chose some areas as the main ones, and i taught areas in functional training, strength training, the direction was also mine my favorite thing is spring training, yeah. do you mean trix loops? yes, it was they, training in this direction completely changed my consciousness and understanding of what should happen in body, in the human body, during physical activity, how it should look and