so joining us now is doctor christine coleman, the founder and executive director of soul sisters incay. appreciate it. all right. so we have international women'& history month and then we have international. we have women's history month and then international women's day coming up on friday, let's talk a little bit about some of the issues, some of the social issues that women facing out th. >> absolutely. so yes, we know that historically, women continue to haveúvarious forms misogyny, which is a direct hatred towards women. and we also know that when we add different identities compiled onto that, such as racism, that women of color.t, especially fo- >> yeah. and the corporate world now, there was a push a few years ago for dei. now that's not the case much in some companies. tell us a little bit about that and how that affects >> yeah, i mean on a macroeconomic level, we're seeing a lotc of budget cuts in general, and we're noticing that dei initiatives and sectors within companies are being the first that there is a change socially where a lot of people consider db initiatives