in some regions of belarus this holiday is called maslinka, syrnitsa, cheese week.are not accidental. at this time , they appeared on the peasants' tables. dairy products in large quantities, since the cows had already calved. eating meat during the holiday week was prohibited, so these foods became the main ones. butter and cheese are the obligatory attributes of the holiday. besides, what would maslenitsa be without pancakes? during maslenitsa week , pancakes acquired truly royal significance. we tried to eat them every day. ghee, sour cream, honey, jam. fish, caviar, cabbage, the filling for pancakes was very varied. each day of the holiday week was special, for example, monday was considered the symbolic beginning of maslenitsa. it was then that they made a stuffed animal that personified the frosty winter. tuesday was called "flirt". so in the morning the boys and girls were having fun with slides, watching shows, and having fun. wednesday was the day of mother-in-law pancakes, called “gourmet”. it was believed that the richer the table, the more the hostess fa