first elections since mass protest broke out two years ago following the death of young woman, massa amini under suspicious circumstances after she was arrested for not wearing a hijab. so krishna decides to open with the story of the late young masa amini who died. in september 2022 and according to uh coronary examinations after her death uh massa amini died from cerebral hypoxia basically disproving the claims that she was killed by security forces despite this fact he maintains that she died under suspicious circumstances typical western propaganda and he opens with it about feature report about iranian elections so this has nothing even to do with the protest that happened years ago exactly so making it worse uh krishnan then finds a young non hijabi woman on you're not covering your head, do you feel worried about being out when you're not covered? no, no, nobody's ever given me any trouble, no one has. is that normal in terron, everywhere in tehran or is it just here? no, no, i haven't had trouble anywhere. i don't think he liked what... he said, did he? uh, not so much. he seems qu