damian: i know in one of the interviews, mitlapilli, the leader of calpulli tonalehqueh.tioned that, you know what, in this country we celebrate the chinese new year. in fact, we just did that a couple of weeks ago here in the bay area. why can't we do that for the mexica new year? so, that's what you're doing. tell us about that. quetzalli: yeah, this is a celebration that is very ancestral, comes from way back. even there's still pueblitos out in mexico that still celebrate it. but yeah, it's about taking up space and reclaiming our roots. and it's important to recognize that we have that within us. damian: how important is it to-- you mentioned reclaiming our roots, but not forgetting where your blood goes back to or what your origins are, you are? we're all salt of the earth, basically. quetzalli: yeah, it's important to remember that, because being indigenous means being connected to the earth. and so, we honor those elements, those different directions, and that's part of our culture and our practices. damian: and calpulli tonalehqueh been instrumental in a lot of c