ale prince vitaud has grown up with his name and requested some services.ducts of napaleon were the tatars. on our land they fell, the people of the meat-loving people hatched them only nickname: horde. my memory is patched up. already ў 17 stagodzі birth valodў maentkam varatsevіchy, in the past, on the pachata. the young emperor of the french is sure to adradzic rech paspalita and there he became a popular gentry. and all of the yago gonar on palessi for... his napaleon, tsikava, as they called the sibras, maybe half and half? i was asked, a boy who went to my father, to enroll in the physics and mathematics faculty of the vilensk university. ale to learn lagarifma pit was sumnavata. the one on the right is the revaluation zeinast. student udzelnikam tayemnaga tavarystva. at the bottom there is a arysht and an adlichenne. the lad traps the army, the russian cavalry. guards and here came the fall of 1830. on the lands of the former recha , paspalitai broke out. napaleon horde adrazu da yago daluchyўsya. she is a husband, for which she receives the order of