i still work with angel rios, deputy city manager angel rios.a lady who's running for a congresswoman, just won her primaries. her name is anita chen, and she'll be out there with us on saturday, damian, i mean domingo, who used to work for senator beall, he'll be out there from district 8. we just want to bring people together, how we can bring and go into their areas, and just keep doing, having a domino effect, you know what i mean? damian: yeah, no, i know, i know that you've always said that, sometimes some of these kids, their flame is burning really high. your job is kind of, lower that flame a little bit and get them under control. what about, what are your thoughts before we let you go, pastor martin? martin: well, we've been doing outreaches many, many years. and that's our calling, to go into the highways and byways and preach the good news, gospel to every person that has ears to hear and a heart to receive, amen. and so, i always tell even our congregation, you can't just went, you gotta be sent. and this was a calling that god had