i eight these memorial complexes, all of the world's people, guy baranavich, others, are like a perasianle of chalavets. people, get excited, think about it. there were memorials from 1969 to 1972. it happened after three decades of tragedy following the tragedy of 24 march 1972 . memories, they are very laconic, nothing is so superfluous, if you can say so, and at the same time, for the skin element of the memoirs, you can pray for all these people, a couple of people this and death, boulders and all these hands, ringing, all this crazy history. z the forest and the memory of the tsyagnets adrezak scorching , in which case the asudzhans were dried and the month was rastrel. chop the peragarodzhvae sіvy concrete beams pasyaredzіne lamanaya lines. this is a sad couple, between life and death. pa adzіn side yago staetstsa calm rustling concrete manalita from the area, clean textured top. the other sides are covered with lines, parapans, padrapans, life. symbolic packages, first and foremost, then the paths of life are over, and all this is exactly the same assemblies, which symbolize the p