committee reports and committee matters: civic design committee - kimberlee stryker, chair civic design committee report discussion. please raise your hand for item 4 the director's report and like to introduce the director of ralph remington, director of cultural affairs. >> thank you president collins good afternoon, commissioners. >> i hope your april is off to a wonderful start so far and april in addition to national poetry month is annual california arts culture and creativity month. and in a few weeks i'm going to attend this in sacramento with the sfac to join the culture leaders to meet with the state leaders for continued so forth of art and culture in san francisco, california i like to take a moment to commissioner mccoy and the chair by the president collins executive committee meeting commissioner mccoy submitted her resignation and on a personal note miss her compassion and the segments of the - her husband are energetic in the eco system and they are san francisco treasures i look forward to all that is all accomplish together on behalf of the wonderful city and on behal