yes, by the way, he still flies to north korea and kimchen-in uses it with pleasure, it is his personalne. this was the last aircraft designed and built during illuzhen's lifetime. during its existence, the ilyuzhenskaya company has produced 170, if i’m not mistaken, either five or 7 aircraft models, 170, almost 180, and not without reason the president. namely il-96, the company is still working on creating, well, the most reliable planes that exist, i want to go back for a second, that’s what i suddenly remembered, once upon a time, in my opinion, in the seventy- fourth year, maybe in the seventy- third year, i flew an l-14 plane. uh, we were then studying at the moscow institute of civil engineering, last year, valery latoshev came to us, then he was, it’s good that i remembered him, then he was the compsorg of the star city, and invited the kvn missy team to fly to the garrisons of the military transport aviation with such concerts for their own, for mechanics, for airfield service, well, for those who are on the ground, we and... we flew, it was an amazing airplane, we found oursel