the kohl era, or even more so of adenaouar, are not the christian democrats of the merkel era or or merzay, that is, these can be said to be completely two different parties, and we must also take into account that the most conservative part. those people who rely specifically on christian, on conservative, on conservative values, they left the party, that is, the party numbered about a million people, now they have, well , the number of party members has decreased by more than half, and some of those people, along with other people, founded the party alternative for germany, these are those people who did not agree with such a globalist -left... turn of the policy of the cdu party of christian democrats, that is, our party, the alternative for germany party, is now the only conservative party that defends traditional, family, christian values, and the cdu, more, more than these values, unfortunately, it does not defend, now it has simply turned into one of many political globalist projects that are controlled by global structures, i am not taking it now. name which ones, thank you so mu