. —— mike andyjfsa. which seems to us to be awed and wrong. -- mike andy jfsa.wed and wrong.— to be awed and wrong. so the meeting went ahead with _ to be awed and wrong. so the meeting went ahead with you _ to be awed and wrong. so the meeting went ahead with you with _ to be awed and wrong. so the meeting went ahead with you with other - to be awed and wrong. so the meeting went ahead with you with other mps i went ahead with you with other mps where the jfsa went ahead with you with other mps where thejfsa and second sight but without the post office? yes. we have our without the post office? i2; we have your speaking notes without the post office? i23 we have your speaking notes that meeting, your chief of staff's minutes of that meeting and second sight�*s speaking notes. ijust want to look at the last of those. which is jarb 00000a7. these are the second site —— second sight notes for the meeting for the 25th of march 2013. there is a summary in the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs and then scroll down, please. and that the foot of the page, they