they're from tahuantinsuyo, south america, peruanos, you know, quechua, [speaking in foreign languagepeak their language, they came and offered their song. you got a place here too, you know what i mean, we recognize you for having your culture, you know. come and share it, you know. share your way, share your traditions, you know. so our relatives, the totonacas, are from veracruz, mexico, the state of mexico, and they brought the danza de los huahuas. go on this indigenous ferris wheel. four guys get on there, and they spin around 13 times, you know. our calendar, 52 year count, 13 times 4, you know, so those 4 individuals are representing, and they spin around 13 time, represent that count. and so that's what that, that's what that dance represents, to request fertility. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ speaker: how can we expand and how can we make better relations with the other california tribes? you know, how can we build on this? and we sat down at raso's house and had a conversation about the possibilities of doing this cali native night here. we're about bringing our people together, and it's the pr