, italy in 1964, the venice charter is the most comprehensive internationalaty in the field of historical buildings and sites. here for for the first time, attention is paid to historical contexts in a clause that should actually be from a collection, a monolith. it is not a problem, we should pay attention to the context of historical buildings, which should be useful for today's life . the priority is not the protection of the building itself and its architectural and aesthetic values, that is, you because it can have a use, an economy. or cover you do not allow changes in build one year after the drafting of the venice charter , the international council of historic monuments and sites known as icomos was formed. this council has since approved treaties that deal with the subject of historical buildings and sites in detail. in florence, italy, in 1981, a charter for the protection of historical gardens was compiled. the washington charter in 19 it was formed that deals with the specialized issue of protecting historical cities, and in 1994 in nara, japan,