something interesting in a simple microwave, well, for example, hello everyone, this is the morning show bebetyaligets up early, but doesn’t skip breakfast, has been starting the day with the same product for many years, it’s generally very important for me to eat, it’s sacred, i think... i ’m absolutely serious when i say now, there will be a revolution, the earth will begin spin in the opposite direction until i eat two eggs, and i’m serious now, i eat eggs every day for 39 years, until i eat two eggs, that means i won’t save the planet. we offered artyom, as a true connoisseur of whites and yolks in different variations, to test a microwave oven for 380 rubles. cook in it as he says. simple and fast. the set includes a container with cups for two eggs and a lid. poaching in a regular saucepan often brings disappointment, but this thing promises to make everything easier. when i first picked it up, i had the feeling that it was some kind of children’s toy, you know, some people have daughters who have kitchens there and so on, it was about the same story. artyom decided to make a beautiful prese