while i’m going to get some tests, i’ll say right away, yes, chicoria lowers cholesterol, it’s true.o see a doctor because he has hypercholesterolemia. a potentially dangerous thing, and now let’s go look, well, yes, how old is my husband, born in sixty-five, 59, look, his cholesterol is 6.5 high general, it’s worse that he has elevated low density cholesterol 4.3, that’s four, well, yes, he’s so moderately elevated, and the good news is that he has quite high high -density cholesterol, good cholesterol, that’s 1.4 , in this situation, when total cholesterol is elevated, mainly due to good cholesterol, you still need to consult a doctor, but what does the doctor do, your problem will be solved by statins, not statins, if he doesn’t smoke, if he has normal levels. .. sugar, if he has no arterial hypertension, if he has normal heredity, he moves well, then i think that the doctor should limit himself to simply talking about diet and physical activity, i would not give statins, provided that he does not have what i have listed, that chicory is ideal in the diet, in addition to one, anot