but what's kind of funny is that jay forrester was a huge libertarian, and so he his equations is kind of, made the game such that the most stable win state is, a huge police force and no public services. what? i mean, maybe, maybe this answers my own question, but what surprised you most in your research when you were writing the book? i think probably how, how much games have come concretely impacted history. so, in the 19th century, a game called kriegsspiel in german, that means war game, helped german military officers completely rewrite the map of europe. so the germans cohered, their first empire from central europe by using this incredible military, simulate game so they could kind of workshop how battles would work beforehand and think about how to reinforce troops and, you know, predict supply chain needs and so on. so this game was incredibly powerful. and, but also ultimately, because other countries started using it, it was ultimately disastrous for the for the germans because, other countries got on board and started using it and became, you know, as, as good as the germa