khalisa agha accepted decision, he had not seen his daughter for so many years and wanted him and hisher son, in antaypa, it was a cunning family, i’ll tell you, and cunning, she wants her son to get the inheritance of the karkhan family, so, but don’t worry, i i won't let you be deprived inheritance, i won’t allow it, listen, dad, believe me, firit is exaggerating, simply exaggerating, everything is not at all like that, to be honest, they don’t care about nyukethan... i just saw this, rings, bracelets, there are also some chains and key chains on the legs, all sorts of trinkets, you would be a disgrace, a nightmare, can you imagine, i’m into what exactly, and in general everything, a complete set, i’ve never seen anything like them in my life, what are you saying, a complete set, i understand everything, son, calm down, he’s from england arrived, a pedant... yes, he’s still a pedant, a pedant, a london dude, and don’t be ashamed of you, but shut up, what’s wrong with you, that we talked for 5 minutes, she’s suddenly good, or something, think a little, after so many years they decide