we decided to meet and ask two zarins, selyutina and kuruz, about what happened.irst we went to selyutin’s apartment, the schoolgirl’s mother recalls the events of those days. i'm taking my belt from school, that is, she came to pick her up, went into school and the guys, her classmates said that the dawn was not bad. i went to the medical pool and saw my child, that she... they were rubbing and well, she felt bad, and the director said that they had used something, that she was not alone, and she felt bad, her legs were shaking, they could not walk, well, that is, they were already jumping like a grasshopper, that is, they had no control over their body they, they couldn’t somehow stop this process. eighth-grader zarina selyutina does not hide that she recently became addicted to vaping, and i couldn’t imagine how this could end, i felt it. weakness, i almost fainted, they caught me, dragged me out into the street, i began to shake violently, we went in and they had already called me to the doctor, they had already called the hospital, at that moment we were very