and what can i say, you could even conquer moses, ah , revalve, revali, how good you are, flatter rivaly, rip straight, how good you are, believe rima wave, it’s from the heart, give rima wave, the languid look of your eyes, be near rivarvon with you, it’s more fun, the most beautiful eye in the world. no, it’s not a question, it’s not like red, golden hair, you’ll see you shiriva lvovna, your head is spinning, the whole mishpoha whispers after you and tender words, oh rivolya, rivolna, how good you are, believers moevna. it’s from the heart, to give riba lvovna, the languid look of your fathers, be near rivolbovna, it’s more fun with you, oh riba lvovna, riva lvovna, how good you are, riva lvovna’s stories, it’s from the heart, to give revoyvoda, a deep look. out of your eyes, be near ribeye water, it’s more fun with you, eh? kriva-rovna, rivo lyubovna, how good you are, believe me, rivo lyubovna, it’s from the heart, to give riva ox to the modest glance of your eyes, be near god, it’s more fun to be with you, be close to god, it’s more fun to be with you. yanki kupala and yakub kolas