yoel amir, ceo of cofas bdi explained to mariv, a ziness daily newspaper that this high number spans many sectors. about 77% of these. closures, roughly 35,00 businesses are small enterprises with up to five employees. according to coface bdi's risk rating widely used by companies in the israeli entity economy, including the banking system and international credit insurance companies, the construction industry and its ecosystem ceramics, air conditioning, aluminum and building materials are the most vulnerable. the report estimates that by the end of 2024 around 60,000 businesses in ziness izral may close. the create sector encompassing fashion, footwear, furniture, housewares and services like cafes, entertainment, leisure and transportation has been hit hard. additionally, the tourism industry is suffering from almost no foreign visitors, worsened by declining national morale and tourist areas now resembling combat zones. the agriculture sector, predominantly located in confederation areas in the south and north, also faces manpower shortages. the economic damage is extensive, when